20 Tumblr Posts That Were All of Us During Exam Season


Now that school is drawing to a close and summer is staring us straight in the face, we are presented with an opportunity to reflect on the past weeks and the struggle that is preparing for final exams. As a proud person of the internet, Tumblr is my main source of inspiration in situations like this. Don’t judge me too hard.

When you start by forgetting what motivation is…

Before 1






… And when you decide to put in effort, distraction is hard to avoid.

Before 2






Before 3







Before 4










Somehow, you make it out alive, but the struggle is real.

Before 5














TØP soon begins to straight-up describe your mood.

Before 6
















You also realize that all of your classmates are going through the same thing…

Before 7

















… And remember just how important it is to have each other’s backs.

Before 8









Your first exam looms imposingly and you know that it can sense fear. 

Before 9
















It also knows how little effort you’ve actually put in. 

Before 10









Existential crises ensue… 

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… And you eventually resign yourself to the fact that disappointment is a real possibility.

Before 12






The day of the exam, you are quick to notice that you are not alone.

During 1













Despite the comfort of camaraderie, you brain still goes to mush.  

During 2









This usually results in immediate and acute feelings of self-loathing. 
After 1













You feel a morbid sense of accomplishment when it’s all over. 

After 2





Now you can finally return to what really matters.

After 3







Unless nothing really seems to matter anymore. 

After 4







When your grades come back, you may be frustrated to some extent…

After 5














… Then you remember that in the grand scheme of life, these exams, no matter how daunting they seemed at the time, don’t really prove or mean anything. 

After 6












Have a fantastic summer and be proud of all that you’ve accomplished!


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