Magic crystal enables underwater breathing


The ability to breathe underwater.

It’s known to be possessed by fish, seahorses, and sharks, among other lucky marine animals.  These sea creatures are blessed with gills which allow them to endlessly explore beautiful underwater sights. But this ability has never been held by humans.  In order to explore the depths of the world we’ve had either hold our breaths or use heavy gear that can often be burdensome.  We’ve only been able to swim under the surface for the amount of time we can hold our breaths for.  And being that the common time an average person can hold his/her breath for is two minutes (without assistance), exploring underwater has been difficult and rather limited for the every day individual.


That is, it was up until recently.  In 2014, Danish Scientists from the University of Southern Denmark made a life-changing discovery.  They have created a crystal which gives the every-day person the superpower to breathe underwater.  Danish Scientists

The “Aquaman Crystal” is composed of synthesized crystalline ingredients that can bind and store oxygen in high concentrations, and release the stored oxygen again when it is needed.  The researchers know that this technology actually works because they have used X-ray machines to study the arrangement of  atoms inside the crystal when it was filled and emptied of oxygen, and the results were proof.  An interesting fact is that this is not the first substance that reacts with oxygen- food, for example, can go rotten when exposed for prolonged periods of time.  However, this crystal fusion, unlike food, does not act irreversibly with oxygen.  Depending on the amount of oxygen in the surrounding atmosphere, this crystal can take seconds, minutes or days to absorb it. Heat and pressure trigger the release of oxygen.


In case you didn’t get that, here it is in a nutshell.  Scientists have combined substances to create a crystal that absorbs then releases large amounts of oxygen when triggered.  Once this technology is developed enough, scientists hope it can be carried around in the pockets of individuals and chewed on when needed.

underwater breathing

Not only would this allow the average person to explore under water for fun, it could also be life changing. These crystals could hold the power to save a person from drowning, or even severely lessen the burden that medical patients carry.  Instead of having to carry around heavy oxygen tanks, lung cancer patients could potentially carry a few of these crystals in their pockets.  Imagine the convenience!  The list of uses for this amazing discovery is never ending- swimming, medical needs, space….. what will be next?


Over and over again, science has made possible what we thought could never be possible.  If you think about it, we humans have unlocked not only the supposed “superpower” of flying, but now the ability to breathe underwater too.  Who knows what’s in store for the future!


For more information on the Aquaman crystal, check this video out!




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