Mayor’s Environment Expo 2013- Animal Welfare


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I went to The Mayor’s Environment Expo on June 8th and came across a really special booth, and a great conversation with the organization founder – Carol W. Tracey.

1. How happy are your food? — Say NO to factory farmingIMAG0586

If I ask you “How happy are your meat(food)?” What will your answer be? I found it’s really unfair to our animals because we enjoy them but sometimes we mistreat them. They don’t get a say, how people should raise the them (pigs, cows, sheep, chicken etc.). How bad the animals living environments can be. The inhuman conditions they are in. You might ask “How do I buy Happy meat then?” I would say buy from the Farmers Market! Or buy from a company/producer that you know are responsible. Support the people who are protecting our animals welfare! Buy Happy And Eat Happy 🙂


2. Animal Circus – No to animal abuse! (They are NOT money maker)

Do you enjoy the entertainment time in circus? Or watching a movies ? There is another important thing I have learned in this booth, it’s about animal abuse by circus and on movies. I would like to draw your attention to the importance of people abusing animals to earn money as our animal are not suppose to do that in a normal way – especially an aging elephant.

3. Eating Contest?IMAG0585

I watched an article about eating contest in Calgary. I personally don’t argee with those kind of contest, if they have money to do those kind of wasting food contest why not donating food to people in need? What do you think about this form of contest?

Want to learn more about the organization? Talk to the founder directly! (She is so NICE!)


Thanks to Carol for such amazing discussion!