Clint Eastwood’s RNC speech – Invisible Obama does not approve


Clint Eastwood has been sticking his hand into the beehive of politics – and the bees are stinging him for it. For a little over eleven minutes, the famous actor bantered with a chair. Well, a chair occupied by the invisible Obama. Mr.Eastwood’s received quite a bit of criticism for his unforgettably odd speech.

Transcript of the Speech

Admittedly, he did make a few cringe worthy statements. However, defenders of his speech claim: He’s not a politician. He’s a citizen of America who has strong things to say against a certain party – but don’t we all? He has the guts to voice his opinions, and that should be respected. Some even think it was simply freaking awesome.

I think the Cliff-bashing will die down soon. I mean, Invisible Obama got his butt kicked, and Visible Obama is still a huge Clint Eastwood fan. That’s smile worthy, isn’t it?

Invisible Obama approves of this message.