Nifty things that Google can do…


First of all, Merry Christmas/ Happy Holidays to all of you!

In commemoration of the winter and festive season, Google has created the ability for you to turn your computer screen into a winter wonderland! All you have to do is go to using Safari, Firefox, or Google Chrome (sorry Internet Explorer users) and type in ‘let it snow’.

You can even draw on the page like it's a frosted window!

Some more cool things you can do with Google:

Google gravity: Ever wondered what Google would look like in a gravity-free world? Type google gravity into the search bar and press “I’m feeling lucky.”

Barrel Roll: And you thought airplanes that did this were cool. Type do a barrell roll in the search bar.

Google Sphere: Watch out, you might get dizzy! Search images and watch them orbit Google. Type google sphere in the search bar and press “I’m feeling lucky.” <– This is an energy saving version of Google. It cuts the energy consumption of computer monitors by reversing the colour schemes of search-result pages to show light coloured text on a black background.  Awesome site for all you environmental supporters out there!

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