Dhruv’s 3 Things for Calgary


Calgary, is known for its lively citizens and vibrant culture, but like all cities, it also needs improvement. Mayor Nenshi’s latest plan on increasing the interaction between Calgarians is meant to unite us even more than we already are. It is meant to make people think of Calgary as one big community rather than several communities living beside each other. But, like all things there has to be a starting point where we can join to make our city better in terms of friendliness and helpfulness.

Some ways that an individual could contribute to his/her community and help make it better is by:

1. Helping the houses near yours by helping them perform their daily chores and help take some trouble off their hands. Examples of this would be to: mow their lawn, help them with their groceries, help them clean their garage and help them clear the leaves from their front yard/backyard.

2. Raise awareness about the events that go on in the community centre or, in my case, the elementary school. These sort of locations usually host charity events, voting areas and community meetings that are very important for people of the community.

3. Organize more events that help make the community better, like community clean ups.

Overall, I think that every community should be active in its involvement towards the welfare of its city. These are some methods that I thought were and still are effective. What are some ways you make your community better?