Necessary improvements on Battlefield 3 Beta


Warning: Battlefield 3 is a “M” rated game (17+)

Now that the Battlefield 3 open beta is over and the game is only a few days from release, I feel like I should talk about some improvements from the beta that I hope to see in the main game.

1.) The number one problem people found was the beta was the lag and the glitches.

I personally am not so worried about that. One of the many purposes of a beta is to find and fix glitches; also, the main game is never as laggy as a beta.

2.) When I played the game the most frustrating thing was to get shot from across the map by some “camper.” Campers exist in every shooter, but it’s a huge problem in bf3 because they are much harder to avoid due to the abundance of hiding spots and long lines of sight. This forces everyone to play in the same style in order to avoid being shot the instant they spawn, which ultimately creates a slow and frustrating game.

A simple solution to that would be to reduce the amount of hiding spots, make enemy players more visible, and add more sway to sniper rifles. They should also make bullet drop and bullet air time more noticeable. This will reduce the effective range of all the weapons, making it harder for campers but about the same for everyone else. Thus reducing the amount of campers.

3.) Another annoying thing was having no idea where I’m getting shot from or how someone managed to kill me.

The most obvious solution is a clearer indication of the direction I’m taking damage from (like in COD) and “killcams” (…like in COD). Now before you “nerd rage,” thinking that borrowing a good idea from COD will hinder your Battlefield 3 experience – it will only serve to improve the game.

4.) MORE DESTRUCTABILITY. The frostbite 2.0 engine is more than capable of a fully destructible environment. I realize that some structure must remain standing, but DICE shouldn’t be bragging about the destructibility of bf3 if the only things you can destroy are a few trees, wooden planks, and a few spots on a few walls.

Solution: the structure that MUST remain standing, make them semi destructible, everything else…fully destructible. Also, increase the impact the bullet has on the environment (when I’m holding down the trigger of an assault rifle, I felt like I was shooting a BB gun).

5.) The beta operated on a rich get richer system where the better weapons and attachments are unlocked at the later levels. This meant that the better players unlocked the better weapons and attachments which increases there superiority in a continuous cycle until they reach the highest level.

The solution would be to place some of the better weapons at lower levels and make attachments slightly easier to unlock, that way the weaker players (like you) will actually stand a chance against the stronger players (like me).

[youtube YSPbmyNopjg]