Open Wide, Pearly Whites!


Now that Halloween has ended and you lost track of the countless amounts of candy that had passed through your mouth. It’s time to give your teeth a proper cleaning!

[youtube MUQevxovDSs]

The history of the toothbrush goes back as far as 3500 BC. The Chinese where thought to have created the first toothbrush, with a handle made from bamboo and a set of Siberian wild boar bristles attached to the handle.

You should floss daily, but laziness gets the best of us—including myself.  Did you know that flossing removes plaque and bacteria that you cannot reach with a mere toothbrush?  If you don’t floss, you are missing more than 1/3 of your tooth’s surface!

Brush for 2-3 minutes – so approximately the length of a song. It is recommended to switch your toothbrush after 3 months or when the bristles start to bend and lose their shape and of course after a cold or flu.

Did you know that 50 million pounds of toothbrushes are tossed into America’s landfills each year?!

Jaw dropping!