6 steps to success

from http://www.mun.ca/humanres/foremployees/learn_dev/images/content/shutterstock_66104728_1.JPG

Success seems a long way away. We have all had times when we felt the overwhelming burden of the path to success. To say that success is easy is a humongous understatement. However, success is a phenomenon that is within our reach. We already know how to achieve it, but sometimes we need a reminder and a little logic to push ourselves further. Work hard; do not let fate do the work for you!

Keep in mind these six little tips to help you in your journey:


1. Do NOT procrastinate, EVER. 

Make a plan, a schedule or a checklist. Reduce the number of distractions as much as possible. A good way to do this is to organize a simple and minimal work space. To achieve maximum efficiency, only keep the items absolutely necessary for your work; forget about everything else.

You already know that procrastination is a massive waste of time. Refocusing after a distraction does not happen immediately, despite what you would like to think. Be cautious of the times you let your attention wander off. Keep yourself on track and focused. And when you feel yourself slipping away, remind yourself that every minute you waste here, you will have to make up for later.


2. RELIEVE your stress.

The important thing to remember here is that relieving stress does not equate to procrastination. Ideally, your stress relief would not generate more stress afterwards. Being calm and composed is the ideal for peak work efforts and ethics. Rest and relax. Sometimes, having a good cry will do just the trick. Do not overwork or over-stress yourself. Try to exercise regularly; it is extremely beneficial for relieving stress. Think of it as sweating out your frustrations.


3. Always REMEMBER.

Remember your mistakes, and your past struggles wherein you have learned by failure. Remember the times that you made an effort to push through and reach your goal. The collaborative collection of these experiences are what makes us knowledgeable and ultimately, successful.


4. Do NOT succumb to negative emotions.

As you hold on to past lessons and experiences, make a conscious attempt not to be deterred by past emotions. Accept that what’s happened has happened, and time cannot be unwound. Do not dwell too long on negative feelings, because you are become vulnerable to stress and depression. Rather then mulling over broken toys, it is better to aim to repair what is damaged.

Never give up.


5. Be the student AND the teacher. 

Remain a student, no matter how old you are. Always keep an open mind and welcome new ideas, and know that the world is effervescent of an infinite number of ideas, which are also constantly in exploration and development. Who knows what amazing things you could uncover?

Help out others in their pursuit of success. Wisdom is circulated throughout the world without a specific starting point. Sharing with others will contribute to expanding your circles of friends and acquaintances.


6. FOLLOW your instinct…logically.

Do what makes you happy more, and worry about superficial subjects less. What the most successful people in life always suggest is to wholly dedicate yourself to your dream, and work hard toward that desire.  Logically following your heart requires you to make decisions that are reasonable as well as coinciding with your desires. Being a hundred percent successful in life entails that you are happy as well. Trust yourself. At the end of the day, you are the only one truly responsible for your own happiness.

However, if your instinct is to procrastinate, then forget about it.


These tips sound easy, but they are not simple tasks. Just remember that the longer you persevere, and the harder you strive, the greater the reward!

I leave you this advice with a cheesy saying: Stay strong. ☆ Good luck in all of your endeavors! Success is just ahead.