5 Simple Ways to Healthy Sunbathe


Sunshine + Flower

Hi everyone! Just realized it’s JUNE! The HOT summer is on the way. I have noticed some of my friends are already on holiday (SO JEALOUS), enjoying the sun and the sea (maybe lakes). Here are some tips for guys and girls, to keep your skin healthy while still enjoying the sun 🙂 and sunbathing can actually be healthy for you!

1. BEST TIME : 9:00 AM & 4:00PM

These are the best times because the sun is still out but the ultraviolet ray levels are lower. It can promote body metabolism and avoiding getting a full sunburn. Be careful not to stay out in the sun for more than 20 minutes at a time! If the sun is really “ACTIVE” never over 5 minutes.

2. Never white clothing

White clothing reflects the sun’s ultraviolet rays really well. A good thing? Watch out because often this reflection is towards your legs or face and can cause sunburns. Red or light blue would be a better choice because these colours are in the middle of the spectrum, reflection will not be as harmful. Remember to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes!

3.Go outside!

Never Indoor! Some research found the sun’s ultraviolet rays level indoor are at least 2% lower than outside = Less benefit. Remember sunscreen too!

4.Relax and let it come

The sun has Vitamin D. The sun is a natural source of it, enjoy it but never more than 20 minutes each time!

5.Drink water & eat fruit

After your wonderful sunbathe, you may have lost quite a lot of water in your body. So, drink water and eat more fruit with Vitamin C, like oranges, to keep your skin nice and healthy.



Some links for more info:

Here comes the sun