5 random things to do in your spare time


Spending your nights bored? Can’t think of anything to do? Here’s some awesome activites that you could take part in to fill some of your spare time! 🙂

1. Learn a new instrument— whether it is at school with band or with an instructor, learning a new instrument is an awesome way to spend your free time and then you can show off your new skills to your family and friends!! If you dont have the money to spend the big bucks at a guitar studio or store for lessons, then see if you have a friend or someone at your school that knows how to play and that might teach you for free or even for really cheap! You could save a lot of money, but make sure that they are serious about it or its all a waste!

2. Start a sport— Whatever your into whether it be hockey, soccer, tennis, rugby, track and field, swimming.. etc. sports are a great way to stay fit and keep you occupied! You can play on sport teams with your school, or look up clubs in your community.

3. Volunteer— If your the type that wants to spend their time helping others but doesnt know where to start, there are plenty of places to find volunteer oportunities, for all different types of people! First place to look is usually the volunteer website for your city for example Volunteer Calgary… where you can find many different types of opportunities in your city. Or if you even wanted to volunteer Internationally something you might find interesting would be Habitat for humanity, which offers many programs most to do with building houses for people all over the world.

4. Learn a new recipe— if you are the cooking or baking type and you feel like trying something new, google something youve always wanted to try or go through your recipe book to see if there is anything interesting. Take a stab at cooking or baking it and maybe invite some friends over to have dinner 🙂

5. Photograph Scavenger Hunt— set up a scavenger hunt in your community or with a group of friends. Take pictures of an object and on the back write a sentence giving a clue to where it might be. Spend a day or an afternoon  with your friends hunting for the clues and even have a prize for the winner!!

Any other ideas on things to do with your spare time?