5 Best Baking Tips


We all need some extra tips to make our baking experience exemplary. Sometimes baking doesn’t go smoothly – trust me, I know. So, here are some tips to make it a bit better and funnier!

  1. When there is an eggshell in your mix don’t use your hands to grab it. Instead, the bigger part of the shell will scoop it up. The number of times I have had to experience tiny eggshells in my bowl is impeccable. This tip helps me avoid the slimy parts of the raw egg getting on my hands.
  2. Use either silicone baking sheets or use parchment paper on your pan. It’s a lot of work spraying oil on your pan and then having to later scrape off your cake or cookie off the pan.
  3. Skip the extra washes when using measurements. when you have tables spoons or teaspoons after the flour is put in, press the measurements in so that there is a mold of it in the flour. Then you can put the ingredient in the mold.
  4. Cool the cake! Most of us rush to put the icing on top of our cakes but let them cool otherwise your icing will melt.
  5. Use toothpicks. When you bit into your cookie the last thing you want is for it to be raw. Use toothpicks to check if it’s ready or not.