3 Things for Calgary: My Version


On Friday, mayor Nenshi launched a campaign called “3 Things for Calgary” – advocating for a better community by encouraging our community members to do three things that will make Calgary a better place.

When I heard Nenshi said, “It could be big things like, join your local community association or it could be small things like have a front yard barbecue and invite your neighbours,” I thought I’d give my “3 Things” a try! I mean, they couldn’t be THAT hard, right? So here’s what I’ve come up with for my street, neighbourhood, and city:

1. Recycle and pick up unwanted litter!

2. Host a fundraising event in my school to raise money. Our club is planning a project that involves making presents for the children at the Children’s Hospital at Christmas.

3. Raise awareness in the city. We did a social studies project last year that requires us going into our community and help others, or an organization of our choice. My group decided we go busking downtown – and ACTUALLY found it more fun than purely just completing a school project — it was such an amazing experience that we decided that we’re going to do it again this year!

That basically sums my 3 Things! What’s yours?


  1. Hi Ellie and Other Readers!

    I’m a Youth Community Social Worker with the City of Calgary and I LOVE the fact that you’re taking action based on what the Mayor had to say!

    My job is basically to help youth create a better community, a better Calgary or at least help jump start it for success. So if anyone has some ideas and needs a hand getting started, feel free to send me a note: christine.lee2@calgary.ca

    Can’t wait to read upcoming posts on how your projects go Ellie! Best wishes my friend!

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