Sunday, September 29, 2024
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Youth Are Awesome, commonly referred to as YAA, is a blog written by youth for youth. YAA provides the youth of Calgary a place to amplify their voices and perspectives on what is happening around them. Youth Are Awesome is a program of Youth Central.

Any views or opinions expressed on this blog belong solely to the author and do not represent those of people or organizations that the blog may be associated with, unless explicitly stated. All content is for informational purposes only.

Yearly Archives: 2015

How Social Media Can Ruin Your Relationship

It's no new knowledge that the impact of social media in today's world is huge.  In all age groups and demographics, the use of websites...

Bubble Mania Restaurant Review

Location: 455 16 Ave NE Calgary (Click for map) Website: My first impression of Bubble Mania when I first entered was that its interior design was impressively modern. Although...

Calgary Stampede Food Binge 2015: Bourbon Street Peppercorn Poutine

      Once a year, The Stampede rolls into town for a good 10 days, offering food, rides and experiences of a lifetime that some people...

Why an apple a day keeps the doctor away

Apples aren't just for snacking, they are also a superfood. Plus there are many ways in which you can use apples to not only...

#SharkWeek2015 Lesson No. 2

Never underestimate girl power.  In tonight's "Bride of Jaws," we saw a quest to hunt the notorious "Joan of Shark," a great white female measuring...

2 Easy Recipes

Ever felt a need for a super yummy yet filling snack? I've got the solution for you! I, myself, enjoy eating quite a bit....

The Roman Period: A Girl’s Guide to Menstruation in the Eternal City

This past week, that perfect combination of luck and spare cash emerged to allow me to travel to Italy and Greece with a touring group....

Calgary Stampede Food Binge 2015: Crazy Cone

It is once again the time of plaid, cowboy boots, and stetson hats. Every year, the Stampede attracts more than a million people from...

#SharkWeek Lesson Number 1

Sharks don't like to be filmed.  So if it's not for scientific reasons, don't try to film a shark underwater. It will come to bite...

Hate the Hate, Not the Person: a poetic commentary

Recently, the Supreme Court in America ruled gay marriage to be legal in all 50 states and various opposing reactions to this can be...

What it means to be a Hyperpolyglot (and why it’s so cool to be multilingual)

First off, what is a hyperpolyglot? A 'hyperpolyglot' is a term coined by linguist Richard Hudson to describe a person with the ability to...

A Year of Volunteering

It's almost the end of the school year, a time for celebration and reminiscing on the year's achievements and memorable moments. This year was...

Move over dogs and cats- Scientists have discovered these adorable new animals

When you picture your favourite animal, the image that pops into your head is likely that of a dog, a cat, a dolphin, or a similar cute...

5 Tips to Easily Look Fabulous

Every day one of the hardest decisions to make is what we're going to wear. During the school year, we're always in a rush...

A Whiff Is More Than A Whiff

Scent drives our perception inevitably. It plays a predominant role when it comes to attracting the opposite sex, attachment to memories, and presenting oneself.  Some people...

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