

Sleeping can cause a lot of stress for teens these days. Sometimes you go to bed, but you’re so stressed about getting your ever important “8-10 hours of sleep every day” that you can’t even get to sleep. Sometimes you get the right amount of slumber time, but you’re groggy and tired feeling in the morning anyways. Don’t worry, you’re not the only one.

Although 8-10 is the recommended time, it really differs per person. Some people only need 6 hours to function, while others need much more. The important thing is to make sleep a “daily” routine, and to figure out what works best for you.  It’s better to get 8 hours every night than to get 5 hours some nights and 13 others.

What’s more is that every night, we spend about 2 hours dreaming! That’s a lot of dreaming, and sometimes it can result in restless sleeping, or waking up confused down the hall after a sleepwalking episode. Because everyone has their own interpretation of dreams, I can’t exactly tell you much about them. No matter what they are, a reflection of memories, a way for your mind to prepare for the day to come, or a peek into a parallel universe, they definitely keep us amused (or terrified for that matter).

Wow, this is sure tiring. I better hit the sack. Sweet dreams! Don’t let the bed bugs bite!