What is your second zodiac sign?


Embracing the Second Zodiac

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Recently, articles have popped up declaring the entrance of a new zodiac in our lives. This article by The Washington Post gives you the rundown of all the new dates for zodiac signs. Many people have not been affected, but I am one of those people who will need to rethink my identity. Supposedly, I am a Taurus and an Aries. Maybe this explains why I never found love a week after my worst day or made new friends in unexpected places.

All jokes aside, the technical aspect of this supposed breakthrough is interesting. Many centuries ago, when the zodiac was made, one of the zodiacs triumphed over the other. The zodiac that we are most familiar with is the Western, or tropical, zodiac that is based off the seasons. In comparison, the Eastern, or sidereal, zodiac follows the constellations. The sidereal zodiac incorporates a 13th constellation, Ophiucus, the serpent bearer. There is some speculation that the astronomers of the time only included 12 of the zodiac constellations because they wanted the 360 degrees of the sky to be divided up evenly. Poor Ophiucus was left out because some lazy astrologers couldn’t be bothered to divide 360 by 13.

On another note, I actually did a little research into this subject when the character of Ophiucus popped up in Fairy Tail (an anime). This suggests that the Eastern world was privy to the zodiac us Westerners were not. Although, I asked my parents (who originate from China) about this other zodiac (the sidereal one), and it seems that they were not in the know, either. Why the tropical zodiac seemed to prevail in many cultures is not fully explained, but you can count yourself educated!


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Astronomers have known about both zodiacs since ancient times, but the sidereal zodiac has just been overlooked. In fact, it is so overlooked that it took me forever just to find an image that included Ophiucus in the constellations. A couple of sources are saying that we need to adjust to the new sidereal zodiac, but there is nothing new about it. Both zodiacs have existed alongside one another this entire time. There is no “correct” zodiac, according to science. As CNN explains it, we will all have to embrace the fact that we (may) have two zodiac signs. Now, this may not come off as a big deal to you if you don’t believe in astrology and zodiacs, which is fine. Although, the tropical zodiac may have been onto something else.

Science has shown that the season in which you are born can have an effect on your personality. “Those born in spring were found to be more likely to have a hyperthymic temperament. That is, they have a tendency to be incredibly positive. Those with autumn birthdays had drastically reduced tendency toward depressed moods compared to people born in winter.” More accurately, the season in which you were born may increase or decrease your chances of developing mood disorders. (For more specifics, visit this article by The Atlantic.)


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Our Earth is a magical place, and the vast universe surrounding us is even more mystifying. Horoscopes may seem silly right now, but one day, we may discover that astrology really does play a part in shaping human nature. It’s always fun to keep your mind open to the wonders and mysteries of the world!