YVC Day 2022


In a big world, @youthvolunteercorps volunteers know how impactful it can be when addressing community issues and taking steps to make a change. Calgary’s YVC youth know just how important volunteering is for their community.⁠⁠ This year, YVC (Youth Volunteer Corps) Day was on March 5th. The theme was “One World, Many Voices.”

YVC Steering Committee members Ranya, Amrit, Tanisha, Sophie, Yujin, Avery, Steven, Jen, Timilehin, and Faith worked hard over the month of February to plan and publish 2 videos on Youth Central’s YouTube channel where youth volunteers could share their ideas about bridging the connection between immigrant families and Canadian Culture.

Leading up to YVC Day, the Steering Committee also posted daily Instagram stories on @youthcentralyyc showcasing different cultural backgrounds in celebration of YVC Day and the theme of One World, Many Voices. The diversity of YVC volunteers was clear, with ethnic backgrounds ranging from Ukraine to China to Mexico and even to Nigeria.

The videos that the YVC Steering Committee published for YVC Day ’22 are both linked below. I strongly encourage you all to give them a watch!

Featuring Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, Korean, and Filipino Food in Calgary, and more!

Food is a huge part of culture, and having ethnic food is definitely essential to feeling more at home in a brand new city.

Featuring the Calgary Stampede, Lilac Festival, Esker Foundation, and more!

Visiting various places in Calgary will help new families grow more accustomed to a foreign environment while also learning more about the traditions, customs, and celebrations of their new home.

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