YouTube Recommendation: Buzzfeed Unsolved


Recently, I’ve been hooked on the YouTube series called Buzzfeed Unsolved. By hooked, I mean absolutely in love with and borderline obsessed.


You may have heard of this series for its growing popularity over the past few months, and let me just tell you that you have got to give it a try.

Buzzfeed is home to many series, but none of them can compare to the brilliance of Buzzfeed Unsolved. You may think I am biased, but let me explain.

Each episode revolves around an unsolved mystery. This could be relating to crime, paranormal activity, or supposed supernatural forces. Each episode involves Shane and Ryan (the hosts) talking about the specifics of each mystery, and going on to talk about some of the theories. In many of the paranormal activity videos, they’ll go out to explore the presumed haunted area as well.

More than the mysteries themselves, my favourite part of the show is Ryan and Shane themselves. Their friendship makes the show 100 times greater than it really is, because of their chemistry and humour.

Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej

I mainly find the paranormal videos funny because Ryan’s raw passion for it results in his raw belief in ghosts, which is completely opposite to Shane’s concrete belief that ghosts/demons/aliens are. Not. Real.

Therefore, when watching them investigate a place, you’ll always find Shane provoking and calling the ghosts names, while Ryan is clearly scared out of his mind.

As with any crime/ghost hunting show, the details can sometimes get hard to digest. Because of this, the creators have created (see what I did there) a genius way to keep the audience watching. Basically, you’ll hear the terrifying details of a crime scene, and then it’ll cut to Shane and Ryan making jokey commentary. According to TVTropes, this is called Mood Whiplash.

And by jokey commentary, I mean an actual script of their conversation being shown on the video. This is where the famous “wheeze” line has come from, because the dialogue almost always includes Ryan laughing in the form of a wheeze.

So, if you’re worried about being scared of the topics presented, I’ll let you know that Shane and Ryan have got you covered. In fact, I used to be someone that was easily frightened by anything even slightly scary, but never have I once gone to sleep fearful because of Buzzfeed Unsolved.

Now, if you’re still wondering whether or not you should give the show a try, I’ll provide you with a list of 6 of my favourite episodes to guide you.

Have fun binging!

1: The Ghosts and Demons of Bobby Mackey’s

 2: The Bizarre Road Trip of a Missing Family

3: The Murders That Haunt the Lizzie Borden House

4: Bigfoot: The Convincing Evidence

5: The Spirits of the Whaley House

6: The Horrifying Murders of the Zodiac Killer