Youth of YYC: Emily, 17



“The mind is so delicate, and has so much potential. In high school I find we’re bombarded by so much extraneous information that it can often blind the young mind and lead us to interpret our lives less intricately than it should be interpreted. It’s sad to see so many young people get so caught up in school work, myself included, because it really shows how much it is distracting us from real life lessons. Every individual has so much of an influence on every other individual that surrounds them but we often don’t realize it, which is why I think it’s so important to observe one another and always listen, find reason in every sentence and aim to discover an explanation to everything you question – something I believe should be taught/recognized more in school.

I think human interaction and acceptance, and finding ones place in the world is what we strive for. I’ve been so lucky to have been able to travel so much from such a young age, and I would say that kind of exposure is something that has shaped me the most in regards to keeping an open heart and an open mind. I wish for everyone to have the same experience – to experience what it’s like to feel empathy and put your life in perspective to others, whilst at the same time always aiming to be the happiest you can possibly be.

So all in all, to people in high school, if I can say anything I believe to be wise, I would say to never stop questioning everything. And most importantly, find yourself before you rush into life not really knowing. You are the priority in your life, and your own happiness will always depend on being content with who you are, what you have become, and what you can be.”

– Emily, 17