Youth Week Prizes: Shawnessy YMCA


Although it’s still months until Youth Week Calgary 2012 (April 21 -28, mark your calendars, people!), preparations are already in the works and prizes are already being collected.

In case you’re not quite sure what Youth Week is all about, it’s youth from all over the city coming together to celebrate and engage in the community. With over 50 events to choose from and attend, Youth Week will be a grand (and totally fun) celebration of the importance of youth in Calgary. And, of course, there will be prizes. The prizes collected in the coming months will be distributed at various events during Youth Week such as school events, youth/game nights, competitions, and much more.

One of our first prizes of the year comes in the form of a gift package from Shawnessy YMCA. The YMCA is known for contributing to the community and supporting youth, and their recent donation to Youth Week only solidifies that reputation. So thank you for your contribution, Shawnessy YMCA! It’s organizations like you that help enable Youth Week to be the phenomenon that it is!

For more information on Youth Week (and recent prize donations), stay updated on this blog, like the Facebook page, or visit Events will also be added to the calendar found at