What are YOU doing for Youth Week?


poster_v1As you may (or may not) know, Youth Week in Calgary is approaching!!! April 20th to 27th is Calgary’s Youth Week for 2013!

Many of you have probably heard about it already. Others may be wondering what the heck I’m talking about. Youth Week is an initiative to get youth involved and engagement in the community, and it acknowledge, encourage, advocate for, and celebrate youth involvement, empowerment, achievement, leadership, and all that awesome stuff.

Check out the main page here

Throughout the week, different events are held, promoting and celebrating the awesomeness of youth and what they are and  could be doing! From paintball to button-making, dessert competitions to video game tournaments, there are opportunities for everyone! (I feel like I’m sounding like a salesperson right now. I’m kind of super excited for Youth Week, so bear with me.) Youth all around the city are welcome to join the fun and celebrate what makes youth awesome!!!

Check out the event calendar here

I highly suggest checking it out!

April 20-27. Your time to embrace youth awesomeness.

