Youth Vital Signs – Grades Released


A few months back we posted an article about Youth Vital Signs.  This project is based on Vital Signs which is a report card on the city of Calgary.  Youth Vital Signs was open to Youth in Calgary and YAA is proud to announce that the results have been reviewed and the grades have been reviewed.  Click here to check out the report and findings.

A big “thanks” to all of the youth who completed the survey.  Your feedback, ideas, and comments were so amazing.  YAA would also like to thank Ros Doi and the Calgary Youth Foundation Steering Committee for their hard work on this project!  YAA would also like to recognize the Calgary Foundation and Telus for their amazing support on this project.

This project was organized by YouthCentral (formerly Child and Youth Friendly Calgary) which also manages Youth Are Awesome!  Keep your eyes peeled on more amazing projects that give youth a voice in Calgary.