Youth Are Awesome – Interesting, Informative, Involving


I’ve only been blogging for five months, and I am already in love with this site. The youth behind this blog are ordinary people with something to share with the world. Maybe it’s serious; maybe it’s funny; maybe it’s just completely random. What’s important is that we’re here to say something. Our posts aren’t relevant to the business men, bankers, or the fancy-schmancy; they’re relevant to teens, and written for teens.

In all honesty, blogging is a lot more difficult than it seems. Sure, you can pick just about any topic. But that’s the biggest difficulty. When there are so many possibilities to explore, you really have to think of one you’ll know that will automatically capture the audience’s attention. Writer’s block, or blogger’s block, is always a difficult thing to deal with. However, blogging is a learning experience. Our editor at Youth Central, Jennifer Atkinson, is dedicated to making this amazing blog a huge success, and she has done an amazing job. For each post we write, she goes over them, and makes small changes so that our voices shine through, but our writing is professional. I imagine it’s also hard being the manager of a blog, trying to let the bloggers explore possibilities while keeping a certain standard of excellence. From her guidance and the comments we receive, we can improve our writing and expand our knowledge. The time we spend frustrated at our computers, trying to think of something to say, is nothing compared to the wealth we gain through blogging.

Finally, I’d just like to thank everybody writing for Youth Are Awesome. I am proud of everyone who has contributed to this amazing site. It’s the entire blogging team that has helped this blog become such a successful and interesting community. We blog about everything from movies, to culture, to issues around the world. We inform people, and tell them our opinions. Youth Are Awesome is an amazing circle of individuals, hoping to pass on something interesting. Thank you to all our readers for staying with us, and letting our blog evolve into what it is today. We are currently at an all-time high of over 14,742 visits this month! We have now reached our 2,000th post milestone. Congratulations to all of us at Youth Are Awesome. Keep reading and visiting everybody! 🙂 Everyone has a great new year ahead of us!

(Thanks to our sponsors as well for supporting us on our journey. Go Telus!)