Xtreme Action Poverty Destroyers launch Youth > Poverty


Man, we have lots of forces battling against Poverty right now. Remember the Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness that I mentioned in both the Security or Poverty and Hunger Dinner articles? Did you read Sheliza’s poem on homelessness? What about Lily’s take on Seniors in Poverty?

Okay, I know that’s a bit much of a homework assignment, but you better keep up with this one! How does a contest to combat poverty sound?

Youth greater Poverty 2

Xtreme Action Poverty Destroyers (X.A.P.D), an inspirational group of Youth who are based in the community of Acadia, is collecting Visual Arts or Video entries in their Youth > Poverty campaign. Develop originality in this battle with a whopping $7500 in the prices you CAN win!

On their webpage, you will see four guiding questions.

Youth greater Poverty

Watch their video too –

Everyone has their own way to express – the works you present certainly need to fit either the Art Piece guidelines or the Video ones, but as they say in their examples page, all of the works are valuable whether they win or not. I also applaud them for their links for Youth in Crisis!

Stayed tuned for updates from them also through Facebook and Twitter; I hope this campaign turns out GREAT. 🙂



  1. We met when several months ago when we came into a meeting and you gave Astrid and I a very good presentation.

    What a great launch!! How can we help? You should have a donate button for sure 🙂

    Leaping Cowgirl Productions

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