Young entrepreneurs eradicating world of dirty screens


If you have been checking Youth Are Awesome out lately, I’m sure you’ve noticed the plethora of posts relating to Junior Achievement companies. In any case, I’m thinking that you have probably figured out that this post is going to be a shameless plug for yet another JA company – Clean Geek!

I’ll spare you the usual spiel on what Junior Achievement does, as that has been made pretty clear by my fellow bloggers. What I will say, however, is that I think it’s awesome that JA is giving this opportunity to high school students. Even if you aren’t interested in business, the Company Program is a great way to work on relevant lifeskills like communication and teamwork. JA gives students a great medium to do this through and opens up quite a few doors in terms of learning opportunities.

What I’m here to talk to you about, however, is the uWipe by Clean Geek. uWipes are an innovative method to cleaning the screens of personal electronic devices, such as Smartphones, iPods, iPads, Playbooks, Android Tablets, and eReaders. Each individual uWipe has a microfiber front to clean the screens of electronic devices, and an adhesive backing that can be used to stick the uWipe to the backs of said electronic devices for convenient storage.

You know you want one. Or several. =D

The uWipes are being sold at $3 each, or if you’re feeling thrifty, get a deal and buy two units for $5. That’s right, we’re actually helping you SAVE money in the long run. Why? Because at Clean Geek, we care about our customers. If you are interested in supporting Clean Geek, the- OH! Did I mention? Half of the money we raise goes back to the community, with 25% going to Junior Achievement, and the other 25% being donated to Renewed Computer Technology, this awesome non-profit organization that fixes up old electronics and ships them off to wherever the need is greatest, usually to improve education.

Sorry about that tangent. As I was saying, if you are interested in finding out more, or if you want to support Clean Geek, then please feel free to contact us either through our Facebook page (feel free to “Like” it, too!), our website, by email at, or by commenting on this post. Remember, by doing so, you’re helping us help the world eradicate itself of dirty screens, one screen at a time!