You know, there are other times besides 10:10 that you can put on a watch!


Have you ever noticed that when you look at watch advertisements and store displays that they all seem to have the same time–10:10? Kind of unfair to the other times, don’t you think?

There are many myths behind having watches in on the shelf set to this time. Many people believe that it has to do with the times of President Lincoln, John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassinations. However, those assumptions are false. Lincoln was shot at 10:15pm and died at 7:22 am the following morning; JFK was shot at 12:30pm and died at 1:00pm; and MLK Jr. was shot at 6:01pm and died at 7:05pm.

Others believe that the time 10:10 has to do with the time that the bomb was dropped at either Nagasaki or Hiroshima–the time set in memory of the people who died. However, the Fat Man bomb (Nagasaki) was dropped at 11:02am and the Little Boy bomb (Hiroshima) was dropped at 8:15am.

None of the above are the true reason of having 10:10 on clocks and watches everywhere.

The true reason: Aesthetic Appeal. The time 10:10 is symetrical!
