You Are Awesome…So Blog for Us!


We’ve mentioned it beforesc0008f0f8 copy SML, but we have some pretty cool young people who blog for Youth Are Awesome.

They have all different interests, and over the past few months have covered almost every topic you could think of: music, film, art, cool websites, funny videos, hilarious sites, volunteering, education issues, environmental issues, sports, science, events happening in Calgary, cool facts, and so much more.  Basically, we write about the things YOU(th) are interested in.

Youth Are Awesome is here to give you a voice – so…come have a voice!  Right now, we have 17 wicked bloggers who write for the site, and we’re looking for more.

The committee meets once a month for about an hour…Our next meeting is January 12th and if you want to become a Youth Are Awesome blogger, this is the meeting for you.

If you’re interested and want more info, contact Kaitlin at