How to Make a New Year’s Resolution and Stick to It


As much as I know, most people have difficulty sticking with their New Year’s resolutions for more than one week. 2015 is just around the corner; hence, I present to you- tips to stick to your resolution.


  • Make a reasonable resolution. Aiming to get 8-packs in 2 months is very irrational to begin with.( This video highlights the top 3 most unrealistic New Year’s resolutions)
  • Write down your resolution on a piece of paper. As silly as it sounds, make a “contract” with yourself.
  • Tell yourself every day that you will stick with it.
  • Post reminders at various places- your fridge door, your table, inside a drawer, your phone, etc for constant reminder of your goal.
  • If your resolution is, for example, to lose weight, get a friend involved. Friends can motivate you more than you can motivate yourself.
  • Reward yourself every once in a while, say, once in two months, for consistently putting in the efforts to get to your goal.
  • Don’t slack off for even one day. This feeling accumulates until you get sidetracked.
  • Slow and steady wins the race- work towards your goal slowly, but with steady determination.
  • Check this out!


There you go!

This year, I have resolved to stop shampooing my hair and using chemical products to make it soft. Over the past year, my dependence on hair care products had increased and it was having a detrimental effect on my hair. As of now, it has been a few days since I stopped shampooing. My hair hasn’t turned greasy (yet), it’s still a little dry. I hope to rejuvenate it and make it healthy again!

What are you guys’ resolutions? Let me know in the comments below or Twitter. Happy New Year!

For the readers in Calgary, Olympic Plaza is having a free event on New Years’ Eve, from 9 pm to midnight. There will be hot chocolate, skating, music and fun! Check out the list of events on New Years’ Eve!