Yanny Or Laurel?


Yanny or Laurel? A very popular debate among many. This trend/popular phenomenon all started when a 15-year-old girl named Cloe Feldman shared a video clip of an automated female voice pronuncing the word ‘Laurel’ on Twitter. Then that’s when this whole thing went viral.

Cloe claims that she has been emailed by the Washington Post, NewsWeek and other famous news outlets to be interviewed about the audio clip.  Even Ellen DeGeneres  has retweeted Cloe’s post, saying “Literally everything at my show just stopped to see if people hear Laurel or Yanny. I hear Laurel”.

Cloe made it her mission to find the person who first discovered the audio. Apparently, the audio clip was for a literature assignment. So, Katie Hetzel, a Highschool Freshman,went to the site ‘vocabulary.com’ and played the audio aloud and heard ‘Yanny’ instead of Laurel. So she decided to share the audio on Instagram. That’s how this trend began.

You can find the original audio clip on YouTube by typing in ‘Yanny vs Laurel Audio Clip’ or click on this link: