YAA presents VolTage: Viral Thursday


With this new series, Viral Thursday, a Thursday of every month will be dedicated to covering the most viral stories all over the internet. Intended to make you feel all sorts of emotions, from happiness, frustration, anger, and everything in between, as the little trolling introduction may have done, let us kick this series off.

1st Destination: Viral Videos

The Must See Video of the Week

In case you missed it, Justin Bieber is headlining the news and social media for all the wrong reasons. Again after again after again after again. The latest installment to “Justin Shore” is a highly entertaining video of his deposition.

What: Justin Bieber’s deposition. Now a deposition is where an attorney will orally ask questions to a witness or an involved party in a criminal case, before the trial of the accused takes case. This interview will be recorded and documented (as you can see in the video). The deposition as reported by Law Profs (source), is for the following complaints regarding Bieber’s bodyguards.

“7. At the aforedescribed date, time and place, Plaintiff, who is a 56 year old professional photographer, was legally on the sidewalk outside of the Hit Factory, taking photographs of Defendant BIEBER.
8. Defendant BIEBER, who is an internationally famous recording artist, did not want the Plaintiff to take photographs of him, so he directed HESNY and three other bodyguards to confront Plaintiff, and to forcibly take the memory card from Plaintiff’s camera.
9. In compliance with BIEBER’s instructions, Defendant HESNY threw Plaintiff against a wall, began choking him, and threatened Plaintiff with a gun, while the other bodyguards (whose names are unknown to the Plaintiff, pending further discovery), assisted him in threatening Plaintiff and forcibly removing the memory card from his camera.”

Arron’s Analysis: Maybe Justin Bieber wants to look at starting a relationship with Sasha Fierce, AKA Beyonce. Bieber certainly was sassy, dismissive, rude, ridiculous, and comical in this interview. Of course, a deposition is the worst time to pull out your “bad boy card,” but as we now know, the Biebs does anything. From resisting arrest, and being charged with DUI, spraying graffiti in Brazil, going to a brothel in Brazil, to publicly urinating in a janitor’s mop bucket while cursing at the 42nd American President Bill Clinton, Biebs really has done it all. I’m honestly wondering if Bieber needs to go on “Beyond Scared Straight” so that he gets his act together, and learns that he might need to associate himself with different people, I don’t know. According to the Olympic bet, Canadians shouldn’t have to worry about him, so I’ll just stop now.

Memorable Lines/Moments


Lawyer: Do you remember earlier today when I asked you…

Bieber: No.

Lawyer: [Now agitated] Why don’t you listen to what I have to say first. And then maybe you’ll tell me yes or no.

Bieber: [Agitated and with attitude] I don’t have to listen to anything you have to say.


Lawyer: Would you please look at the film that’s up there? [Film starts playing on a television screen which appears to be footage of Bieber with his bodyguards]

Bieber: [Turns away from the film and asks the lawyer with attitude] This is a film? This is a film?

Lawyer: Pause It. Would you please watch the television.

Bieber: You said it’s a film. You said watch the film. Is this a film?

Lawyer: Is there a difference between a film and something else?

Bieber: Yes?


Lawyer: Have you ever disciplined Mr.Hensy?

Bieber: Disciplined… what kind of question is that? Is he my son?


The whole interview is filled with laughs that at the end of the day makes you cringe about any hope left regarding the Biebs. Definitely a must watch.


The Most Powerful/Moving/Meaningful Video of the Week

Like a good film, this video has a great theme and moral, while adding in comedy and suspense, all in less than a minute and thirty seconds.

What: Watch the video!

Spoilers ahead in analysis!







Arron’s Analysis: This video definitely sheds light on the pressure that is put today in the 21st century for everybody; in particular, teens, to look “beautiful.” This video reveals that we can often be (and are) fooled by the media as to what “beauty” really is, in this day and age of mass marketing. The most important thing to take away from this video in my opinion is the fact that there are no “standards.” Everybody is honestly beautiful in their own unique ways the way they are. Although it can often be easy to compare yourself to others, there are things about you that make you unique, and loved by others. Forcing an inorganic change should never need to happen. I definitely think it’s important to stress the difference between an actual health problem that can lead to physical detriments, vs. potential problems that can arise from trying to fit “beauty standards,” such as eating disorders, and other mental health disorders, which lead to both physical and mental detriments.


Memorable Lines/Moments

When you figure out that the model is actually a pizza.

“Share this video if you think all pizzas are beautiful!”


Arron’s Classic of the Week

What: Featuring a video from 2011, this video shows the Global BC crew actually picking the winners of a massive  Children’s Hospital Dream lotto draw. The prizes, several houses that are valued at around 2.5 million, or 2 million in cash, the winner turned out to be no other than… Global BC sports anchor, Barry Deley. But the video takes a few interesting turns leading to many laughs and some frustration as a result of one jealous friend. (This is beginning to sound like the plot to a movie… It could be turned into a horror movie though, right?)

Arron’s Analysis: I can’t decide if the fact that one of the reporters doesn’t recognize (or didn’t draw a comparison) to the name of their sports anchor, Barry Deley, is the most funny moment, or if the male anchor (Squire) losing his cool is the most funny moment. Comment and let me know! Poor Squire though, you have to feel for that guy. The female anchor (Sophie) may very well be the best friend of winner Barry Deley, as she looked almost as happy as he was.


2nd Destination: News

The Must Follow/Know/Read Story of the Week: Malaysian Airlines MH370 Disappearance

Quick Summary of the Story

Theories on What Happened

“What we know and didn’t know” – The Guardian

“What we know and didn’t know” – CNN

Live Updates


Local Story of the Week: Braeside Stabbing

What happened

More information

Accused was out on bail

Two Teens Charged in Case


3rd Destination: Photos


It’s a ship, shipping ship, [which is] shipping shipping ships. Beautiful.

Canadian comedian, Colin Mochrie, showing just how funny Canadians can be, eh?

He’s not wrong, or far from wrong.


That concludes this month’s segment for Viral Thursday! Thanks for reading guys!