YAA Profile: Calgary’s Youth VitalSigns


Want to have your voice heard in Calgary?

Today is the official launch of Youth VitalSigns, a program of Youth Central (formerly Child and Youth Friendly Calgary) and The Calgary Foundation. This youth-driven project pairs up research and the opinions of (in YAA’s mind) the most important group of Calgary residents – YOUTH!

From February 8th (today!) until March 15th, if you’re between 12 – 24 years old you can complete an online survey and grade life in Calgary through 12 key issue areas. On April 28th, the results will be published in the Calgary Herald, in the 2010 Youth Vital Signs Report.

It’s super easy to become a grader and do the survey…All you have to do is visit www.youthvitalsignscalgary.ca and click the “GRADE NOW” button. As a grader, you are eligible to win gift certificates for Starbucks, Calgary Co-Op and Cineplex – pretty awesome, huh?

Youth VitalSigns knows that you have awesome ideas and important opinions.

What do you want in a city? Now is your chance to tell Calgary!


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