YAA Holiday Countdown 2018 : Holiday Party Ideas!


The holidays are a great time for getting together with family and friends. Almost all of us have had great memories made from the gatherings that happen around this time of year! Hosting a holiday get-together comes with a lot of stress. Nonetheless, it is totally worth the work. Having a hard time thinking of activities to keep your guests entertained? Trying to find a fun holiday activity? Here’s a list I’ve compiled of awesome holiday party ideas!


  1. White Elephant : Gift Exchange! 

For those of you not familiar with a “white elephant” gift exchange, everyone brings a “white elephant” to the party. There are different variations of the gift exchange. However, the way I have always played has been to bring something you own that you are willing to part with. For example, maybe some jewelry you don’t wear often or a good book! Obviously you’ll have to decide what to bring based on the group of people you’re going to be with. The difference between the White Elephant exchange from a normal Secret Santa is that you don’t know who your gift is going to. Everyone puts their gifts in one place and then everyone picks a new gift from the pile. Up to you if you want to allow exchanges after the first pick!


2. Secret Santa

Secret santa cartoon icon vector illustration graphic design

By far one of the most classic party ideas. In Secret Santa everyone has already chosen, prior to the party, someone to buy a gift for. Make sure to set a gift price maximum! Once the party is started everyone can open their own gifts and either guess who bought it for them or have the person reveal themselves!




3. Cookie / Gingerbread House Decorating! 

Get all your friends and/or family together ,put on some holiday music, and start decorating! This is a great party idea with low maintenance. Just provide the gingerbread houses and/or cookies with decorations (ie. icing, sprinkles, etc) or you could always ask your guests to bring their own!

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