YAA Holdiday Countdown 2018: Childhood Memories


The garden was white with frost, magical beyond words.

The house was full of melodies and jingles, worth more than breakfast.

There was a big gleaming tree, arranged with lustrous nuance

Under which lay a mountain of presents.

We would all go to church, where there was a big feast,

Turkey legs, fruits, hams and sweets.

Exchanging presents, seeing the joy on everyone’s faces

As if the worries didn’t exist,

It was Christmas.

My thoughts go back to when I was five,

We’d all dress up in hideous sweaters and pyjamas;

With the sweet smell of that amazing stew and bread

We could hardly wait.

Finally, the night came,

we opened our presents with glee, embracing each other

Thankful to the Lord for the blessings.

Now that I’m older, everyone is busy,

Yet December comes and brings a light of joy

Diminishing the stress of school and work

and embracing the time that flew by.

I guess the little girl that awaited Christmas

with restless enthusiasm,

still lives inside of me

as I end this poem,

and reflect upon  Christmas time;

Creating memories that last a lifetime.


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