YAA Explores: TEDxYYC 2015


What’s better than watching a TED talk? Watching it in real life! That’s right, last week Hui Wen and I got the opportunity to attend TEDxYYC and soak in the wise words of some of the coolest people in Calgary.

Now, there are certain aspects of the talk that didn’t make it into this video because both of our phones ran out of storage multiple times during the presentation. I highly regret not getting a 64GB iPhone, but you win some and you lose some. This video will highlight some of the main points of each of the speakers and and tidbits of the entertainment.

Overall, the experience was fabulous. There was gelato provided by Fiasco Gelato and Craft Beer Market supplied some horderves for the reception after the presentation. Every single performance and talk was engaging, and five hours flew by before you knew it. As far as events go, TEDxYYC was put together super smoothly and nobody missed a beat. If there were any sort of issues going on behind the scenes, you could not tell as an event-goer.

Once again, I’d like to give a huge thanks to the lovely organizers at TEDxYYC for providing us the opportunity to attend the day’s festivities. Don’t worry if you weren’t there soaking in the awesome with us, I’m sure that you’ll be able to catch TEDx next year!

For those of you who just can’t get enough, head on over to Hui Wen’s article to read her reviews of each of the speakers.

FTC: Youth Are Awesome was provided with tickets to attend this event, but all opinions remain completely genuine. ♥