YAA Accepts: The Whisper Challenge


Your two favourite bloggers are back this week with yet another challenge video! Yes, this time, Rebecca and I yell incoherent sentences at each other and talk veeerrryyy slooowwwlllyyy in the Whisper Challenge.

There are a few things you may notice about this video. First, we are very orange. Yes, it’s a constant struggle to find a setup with good lighting. In our first video, we looked unfortunately white and in this one we tried our hardest not to be orange through editing. I promise, the next time we will look like normal human beings in decent lighting.

Now, the next thing you are wondering is why there is so much royalty-free music blasting in the background. Well, that’s because we couldn’t afford noise-cancelling headphones and the music was escaping out of our ear buds. In order to avoid being sued for any potential copyright issues, we decided to mask the music with more music! It’s the classic fighting fire with fire tactic. Once again, we apologize for this, but we’re trying our best with what we have. (Don’t judge us.)

I would definitely recommend that everybody check out this challenge! It’s actually really fun and you can play for hours on end if you’re really bored. For some reason, I’m actually pretty decent at reading lips so my guesses weren’t too crazy. On the other hand, if you play with someone who is terrible at reading lips, you will have hilarity.

You can find Youth Are Awesome on: FacebookTwitterInstagram, and YouTube!

If you would like, go check out the blog posts that Rebecca and I (Ailin) write when we’re not torturing ourselves.

Click here to go to the previous video. What challenge will Rebecca and I take on next week? Tune in to find out.