YAA Accepts: The Blindfolded Makeup Challenge


The Whisper Challenge, the Bean Boozled Challenge, the Cottonball Challenge, the Blindfolded Drawing Challenge, and pretty much every other challenge you can think of, YAA bloggers seem to have done them all.  Well with that lengthy list, you probably thought that we covered all those popular YouTube challenges.  But while Rebecca and Ailin hilariously completed many, our bloggers managed to find one more that had not yet been done…The Blindfolded Makeup Challenge!

Kandace, Richard, and myself were searching for a creative way to introduce ourselves a bit more, and what came to mind was to complete a YouTube challenge.  After asking our fellow bloggers what they thought would be the best (and safest) option, out of popular demand we decided to do the Blindfolded Makeup Challenge.  And although we had some very.. interesting.. moments (watch the video and you’ll see) I don’t think any of us regret it.  Not even Richard, and you can imagine he had the most ‘fun’ out of us 3.

After destroying a decent amount of makeup, giving each other fabulous makeovers, hours of editing, and laughing until our cheeks hurt, here it is! The first of many videos to come featuring we three goofballs.

Comment below for video suggestions, and tune in soon to see more.

Don’t forget to check out YAA on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.




  1. I still remember when I was applying to join yaa, and this was the first thing I saw on the website. I remember just wanting to be a part of this wonderful community, and looking back, I’m so thankful that this was my first impression of yaa.

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