YAA Accepts: The Blindfolded Drawing Challenge


For some, drawing with their eyes open can already be challenging enough. When you factor in a blindfold, the level of artistic ability drops drastically. Granted, many amazing artists are able to craft masterpieces without their sense of sight. Rebecca and I do not happen to be that type of person. Our drawings are disjointed and contain none of the techniques I should have learned from all those years of art lessons. I do have to give us some credit, though, as all of our drawings were proportionate (in their own ways).

How about you? Do you think that you could do better than us with this challenge? Try it out for yourself, and let us know how it goes in the comments below! You may just surprise yourself.

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If you would like, go check out the blog posts that Rebecca and I (Ailin) write when we’re not torturing ourselves.

Click here to go to the previous videoWhat challenge will Rebecca and I take on next week? Tune in to find out.