Wrong Timing



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My umbrella drops into a puddle of mucky rain water as I stand in the middle of a crosswalk. The loud and strong rainstorm takes over the clear sky. Rain falls on and around me. My once super perfect hair becomes frizzy as the wind whips it around. My once new white dress is now painted with water and outlined in mud.

Five minutes ago, it was sunny. Sweat was the only source of water to be found. It seemed like a promising day. However, I had a gut instinct that it may rain later on in the day, hence why I brought an umbrella.  As I was crossing the street, my cell phone rang. I looked at the screen and saw my best friend’s mom’s number. My smile dropped from my face, fell to the ground and shattered into a million unfixable pieces. At that time and moment, the weather had a bi-polar moment, sheets of rain came crashing into my atmosphere. The sun decided to play hide-and-seek; it was no where to be found. Thunder boomed. The sky turned into a dark and evil masterpiece. Not a single strip of sunshine existed anymore.

I have been trying to be strong, to not cry, but I can’t help it this time. So, as I stand there in the middle of the crosswalk, I allow the storm to beat me up. I allow it to create an angry and sad scenery as I play as the miserable character. The wind slaps me, the water drowns me, and the darkness possess me. I cry.

I look up at the dull and unhappy hospital in front of me and ask, “why couldn’t you have waited a little longer?”


Although this short story is fiction, it contains truth. We always seem to not have enough time in life. Time is like soap, it can easily slip away from our grasps. And that’s why I believe that we should celebrate the time that we have. Live in the moment. Don’t let time fly by you. Catch it and hold hands with it. You don’t ever want to let go. Time is always on your side, so make the best of your time.