Writing With Meaning & Voice


“If you want to change the world, pick up the pen and write.” – Martin Luther

Writing is important as it is the method through which we convey our thoughts and ideas to others. It is an important part of communication, as it fosters our ability to explain our ideas to others.

But going beyond this, writing also offers a medium through which we can advocate to truly make a difference in the world in a positive manner. Even though oftentimes, the message of books, poems, and other pieces are about human experiences and feelings, writing can also have a message about other things- for example, writing could be about global issues or current events or about advocating for a particular cause that may inspire and benefit society. 

This topic could be anything from: 

  • Climate Change
  • Racism 
  • Plastic Pollution
  • Sexism 
  • Government Policies 
  • Current Events
  • Politics
  • Deforestation
  • And the list goes on…

And regardless of what topic you chose to write about, whether its global warming or racism, the topic you write about matters and your writing matters. And even though our writing may not be perfect or a “masterpiece,” it still is something of value that will someway or the other will make a difference. Your words are a powerful tool for teaching, inspiring, and educating people in the world.

And, this is true for anyone of any culture, race, religion, or background. Or, even age. Especially, as youth, we have many topics that we have a strong opinion towards or want to advocate for, so we can use writing to convey our voice towards that issue. 

You are never to young to change the world. When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful. The more youth begin to recognize that they have a voice, the more change is possible.

Youth voice matters. You matter. And your writing matters.

So, the only thing left to ask you, is: Are you inspired to pick up your pen and start writing? 

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