World Pride in Toronto


I had the amazing opportunity to attend World Pride 2014, which was held in Toronto this year. World Pride celebrates the LGBTTIQQ2SA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, intersex, queer, questioning, 2 spirited, allies) community in Toronto and around the world. This week long celebration included many events such as concerts, shows and art exhibits throughout Toronto including a Human Right’s conference and the oh so famous Pride Parade. Here are some pictures I took during the parade and throughout the week.

Every shop and restaurant in the city had rainbow flags hanging in their windows, including this cafe on Kensington St.
The Pride Parade was filled with love, laughs and rainbows.
This David's Tea featured a different gay celebrity on their shop sign every day. This one is of "Teal" Patrick Harris
This David’s Tea featured a different gay celebrity on their shop sign every day. This one is of “Teal” Patrick Harris


The fashion at Pride was incredible. These people were sporting colored hair, sparkly skin and a "Born This Way" flags.
The fashion at Pride was incredible. These people were sporting colored hair, sparkly skin and a “Born This Way” flags.



  1. Great to see queer representation on a Calgary youth site! However, I noticed that you list A as standing for allies. I’m wondering if you’ve read about A standing for asexual/aromantic and not allies? If not, could I encourage you to? These are a couple of articles addressing the issues of erasure and privilege in using A for allies:,

    Neither of these articles mention aromantic, however, and that’s also problematic:

    • Thank you very much for commenting Jesse. I had not been aware of the controversy over using this term before, I’ll definitely be more careful next time to use the proper terms in the acronym. I definitely think that asexual and aromantic should be used rather than allies in the acronym seeming that they are in fact part of the LGBTTIQQ2SA community whereas allies are simply supporters.

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