Get out of this World with Jason Neulander, creator of Intergalatic Nemesis

Intergalatic Nemesis. Artwork by Tim Doyle
Intergalatic Nemesis. Artwork by Tim Doyle

Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt our program of youth dance music to bring you a special bulletin from YouthareAwesome. Molly Sloan, Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, research assistant Timmy Menedez and librarian Ben Wilcott reports observing….Zygonians?!

The year is 1933. Reporter Molly Sloan, research assistant Timmy Menedez and librarian Ben Wilcott are hot on the chase on the lead of a fantastic story and through a harrowing blizzard, meet their contact. However, their contact gravely cautions the intrepid team that their story is at a dead end, as any informants are either missing or dead. There is a clue, a piece of paper with details of the “Central Hive.” Before the contact can elaborate on this strange clue, a mysterious figure appears at the doorway and wields a menacing knife, which sinks into the back of their contact. Another mysterious figure grabs the knife thrower….and Molly Sloan, Timmy Menedez, and Ben Wilcott realize they have just discovered the story of the century….

Courtesy of Jason Neulander.
Courtesy of Jason Neulander.

Jason Neulander is the creator of this thrilling, sci-fi adventure and I was fortunate to catch up him over the phone, from his residence Austin, Texas. Neulander recalls the spark of this live-action graphic novel Intergalactic Nemesis in a 2400 seat theatre, too large a space to share the intimate of an experience of a radio play, the original medium of Intergalactic Nemesis. Project a graphic novel picture to fill the room and the fusion of the only live performance of graphic novel forms. Comic book artwork is projected panel-by-panel on a large white screen, sans word balloons, as three voice actors perform all of the characters, one artist creates the hundreds of sound effects and a keyboardist performs the entire score.

It’s a brilliant modern innovation of entertainment, as Neulander specifies, a computer must instantly react to and animate  over 1250 slides, all visuals cued by audience laughter, a line or sound effects. However, it’s an organic experience, as sound effects are produced by household props, such as the wave of a plastic sheet creating the deafening crackle of thunder . It’s much cooler to keep it that way, Neulander laughs, rather than down the regular path of electronic sound effects.

Courtesy of  Intergalactic Nemesis.
Courtesy of Intergalactic Nemesis.

The reactions and responses from audiences have been incredible, as Neulander directs me to the Intergalactic Nemesis‘ Facebook Page, where there is a photo of a finger scrawling a warm message on the Neulander’s trailer. Intergalactic Nemesis had just booked their 100th tour date, pretty good for an idea that started at a coffee house (great ideas start at coffee houses- J.K Rowling initially wrote much of the first Harry Potter book in a coffee house.)

From Intergalactic Nemesis' Facebook Page.
Sweet message. From Intergalactic Nemesis’ Facebook Page.

Jason Neulander’s main inspiration hails from old science-fiction movies of the 40s and 50s, Philadelphia Story and Casablanca. The most influential are the nostalgic epics of Star Wars, while watched in a movie theatre, first opened the imagination of a 7 year-old Neulander. Neulander hopes to see the show evolve with the addition of a mini orchestra ensemble performing the score for the live performance, but is happy with the current form of his show. Talking to him, I could feel the passion he has for this production.

So sit back and enjoy!  It’s a theatrical performance of thrilling adventure, exploration and alien invasion that is coming to Calgary on April 20th at the EPCOR Centre of the Performing Arts. Dress up in your favourite costume! As a bonus, Jason Neulander and the cast will be there after the show to sign any merchandise you pick up. The main thing, Neulander emphasizes, is to have fun. The audience will be able to experience an extraordinary adventure where ordinary people step up to be heroes.

You can buy tickets here.

Or if you are a Youth Central volunteer you can sign up for FREE tickets through our database!

Courtesy of Intergalactic Nemesis.