Youth jobs without the “Would you like some fries with that?” or “Do you need another size?”


youth-summer-jobsA good chunk of the people reading this right now are probably around the age where the pressure to get a job is building. Or maybe you already have a job and so are keen to read more about the job world. Either way, I thought I’d share my opinions and experiences by comparing non-traditional youth jobs to those that generally include “Would you like some fries with that?” or “Do you need another size?”. A.k.a. retail and fast food.

First of all, I was automatically turned away from wanting either of those job types for a simple yet strange reason. They just seemed too normal. Too average. All of us can only be teenagers once, so why not search for something more interesting? Something where you aren’t just driven by the money?

Speaking of money, let’s bring up the subject of minimum wage. Chances are, that’s the number you’ll see on your pay check if you go for the fast food business, or even retail, at least when you start. Non-traditional youth jobs allow more variety, which may very well mean more money, and more chances for a raise. Considering most teenagers want a job solely for the money, I’d say its worth searching around.

And then there’s the other reason many teenagers want a job. Experience. That could mean for college or for future employment, but either way, it’s key. Take a second and think about it: if you were choosing someone to accept into post-secondary or  a job, would you be more impressed by a part-time burger-flipping shift, or a job using numbers are letters or maybe helping others? I’d say the answer’s pretty obvious.

So. There are some basic thoughts to think upon, and I invite you to share your opinions in the comment section below.

Also, you might be wondering “So that’s great, but what kind of ‘non-traditional’ jobs are out there for youth?”. I’m no expert, but here’s a couple:

  • Page position at the library
  • Golf courses
  • Recreation centres
  • Tons of other jobs that I can’t name because my mind isn’t an instant database of youth jobs

Even better, check out

Last but not least, don’t get me wrong! Retail and food jobs can be super awesome, just make sure you give it some thought and look at your options. This post was to get you thinking, not to tell you what’s right and wrong.

Thanks for reading 🙂

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