Words to make you sound smart


We’ve all been in situations where we don’t sound quite as, uh, informed as we would like. One of my tricks to make myself sound like I actually know what I’m talking about is to use words that are a) just plain big and fancy-sounding, b) an exaggeration of my point without actually adding to the argument or c) archaic, old or disused words that no one uses or even knows anyone. Most people speak in simple language so even if they know the words that you are employing, you still seem more knowledgable than before. Here are a few of my personal favourites.

Repugnant [ri-pugh-nunt]

Definition: Describing something absolutely disgusting, repulsive or distasteful.

Although on the whole, not a particularly complicated word, its lack of use outside of formal writing puts a real emphasis on a point if you want to emphasize how completely awful something is.

Quintessential [kwin-tuh-sen-shuhl]

Definition: The essential and sometimes stereotypical embodiment of something.

Despite the fact that it’s just a fancy way of describing something expected, typical or even cliché in a certain area, it has a certain oomph in conversation.

Epitome [ih-pit-uh-mee]

Definition: Something which represents a high or exemplary representation of something else.

I’d stay away from this one unless you really want to really hammer in an argument or just sound really dramatic. Drama always makes you sound even a little bit more convincing. Outside of proper context, it sounds like you’re just trying too hard.

Amalgamate [uh-mal-guh-mayt]

Definition: To merge or combine two or more things or entities.

Sometimes you just have those words that you can say again and again in your head that just never stop being funny. This, I declare, is one of them.

Cesspool [ses-pool]

Definition: In the context I like, a metaphorical representation of either an awful situation or somewhere immoral.

Another common yet effective word. I love how it just adds another layer of awful to whatever you happen to be talking about. 

Crapulous [krap-yuh-luhs]

Definition: A perfect word to describe how you feel after excessively eating or drinking.

No, I didn’t just make this one up. Delightful, isn’t it? The best part is that the sentiment it expresses is spot-on with how it sounds. Even though it doesn’t exactly sound smart, it’s still a clever word. Or at least I think so.

A vocabulary of interesting words is something that everyone should have, if not for practical use but even for personal amusement. There’s just something inherently nice about being able to throw around a casual “omnipotent” or “anachronism,” right?