A safe way to try knife tricks


So, I ran across this video of people doing tricks with a special kind of knife called a butterfly knife.

[youtube FTkEGNj1DkE]

I tend to be easily fascinated by anything to do with tricks (magic tricks, pen spinning, yoyo tricks, you name it), so I couldn’t help but want to try. Of course, getting a real knife wasn’t an option, since that would lead to many unfortunate accidents – not to mention they’re quite expensive. So instead I made myself a wooden one out of popsicle sticks and toothpicks!

A wooden butterfly knife I made out of popsicle sticks and toothpicks

I would imagine that it’s a lot lighter than a real one but beggers can’t be choosers. To finish off, heres a video of me being pro with it. =P

[youtube eW4WC2LG__k]

For the record that took about nine takes. If it was a real one I’d have lost multiple fingers by now. =P


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