Wonderful YouTubers: Pentatonix


Arguably one of the best A Capella groups that exist on YouTube, Pentatonix became almost an instant success when they banded together in 2011. Now, their videos on YouTube get millions of views and the group has even gone on a few tours. And it’s not hard to see why everyone loves them so much. Pentatonix features five brilliant singers gifted with amazing vocal ranges. The low tenor notes blend perfectly with the sopranos, and it makes you wonder just how much effort goes into each and every one of their videos. Not just on film, but also live, Pentatonix sounds beautiful. Somehow, their harmonies blend seamlessly and they never fail to add a spectacular twist to the popular songs that they cover. Today, I share with you some of my favourites. (Click on the pictures to begin and adventure to their videos!)

Royals – Original by Lorde

Image from: http://www.myxph.com/photos/49327-screen-shot-2013-10-08-at-4.47.32-pm.png

Evolution of Beyoncé – Original

Image from: http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/news2/Pentatonix-Goes-Viral-Again-with-Evolution-of-Beyonce-Video-396138-2.jpg%3F1383295138


Radioactive (with Lindsey Sterling) – Original by Imagine Dragons

Image from: http://illdefinedart.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/pentatonix.jpg

Just after one video, you will probably be hooked. When I first discovered them, I was listening to their covers for hours and hours. Their Christmas songs also really got me into the spirit over the holidays.

Whether you’re a fan of music or not, this group is definitely worth your time to check out.