Wonderful YouTubers: Improv Everywhere


Life might be smooth sailing, or in the rough waters right now, but there is always time to stop and take a second to realize the wonderful and quirky things that go on in our world. YouTube is a well-known and favourite mechanism used for procrastinating, and today I have decided to share one of my favourite YouTube channels of all time: Improv Everywhere. The basis behind this channel is hiring several actors and intricately planning out a skit or large-scale prank in public. Occasionally, they involve citizens of the cities they travel to in their annual MP3 Project videos (click here to watch the one from last year), and their No Pants Subway Ride.

Recently, I have found a video that I absolutely love: Real Life Matrix. It comes from their new series, Moves in Real Life. Spoiler if you aren’t going to watch the video: A man dressed in the well-known getup from The Matrix goes on a regular day, trying to shop for man dresses in Macy’s. Suddenly, a gang of suited ninjas pile into the store, where a full-scale slow-motion attack ensues!

Several of their other videos that I thoroughly enjoy (although quite old) include:

Food Court Musical

Frozen Grand Central

and Best Buy Uniform Prank

So take some time from your busy schedules, and check out Improv Everywhere. Who knows? They might come to Calgary one day, and you could have the chance to be involved in a prank of your own.