

Ever feel the need to just look up some completely random trivial information to impress your friends or just to satisfy your personal boredom?  Well, you should really go check out WolframAlpha.  Think of it as the Wikipedia of statistics and calculations.  The website is still in the beginning stages of its development, but it already has tons of information!  Their data base has a huge range of info on everything from mathematics to music to the sciences to business, and the list goes on.

For example, you can look up something random, let’s say Calgary.  The site will instantly give you information on where it is, a map along with it, population, elevation and more importantly, the current weather and time!  Since the information is up to date, the site is extremely useful. You can also look up up to date information on stocks simply by searching the company the stocks belong to!

Further more, what makes this website great is that it can help you calculate things. Let’s say you are stuck on a math question and you don’t know where to turn to. Simply go on WolframAlpha and type in your question. You can type in formulas, equations and get graphs, solutions for them. So it is a great tool to use when you are stuck.

So go ahead and check it out. You never know when the information you find on there will come in handy!