Why You Should Read ‘When Breath Becomes Air’


When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi is an autobiography published in 2016. I only recently had the opportunity to get back into reading after finishing my finals for this semester, and this was the first book I read—it was indeed an unforgettable read.

Brief Summary of When Breath Becomes Air

Dr. Kalanithi was a multifaceted individual. At a young age, he had diverse interests in both STEM and the Humanities. Later on, he described one of the toughest decisions in his life as choosing between becoming an English Literature Professor or a neurosurgeon. This multifacetedness led Paul to fall in love with the nuances of science, its intersections with more abstract concepts, as well as all the aspects of death. In fact, pursuing a deep understanding of death and the true meaning of life was one of the driving forces of Paul’s choices in education and courses in university.

Ultimately, after graduating from Stanford’s undergrad, Paul attended Yale medical school, then returned to Stanford for his neurosurgical residency. Unfortunately, tragedy struck as he was finishing his last year of residency. After nearly a decade of training to perfect his skills and sharpen his mind, Paul Kalanithi was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. In an instant, his life was flipped upside down. Within a week, Paul Kalanithi found himself not conducting surgery on others, but strapped to an operating table himself.

After the diagnosis, Paul learned much about the intricate nuances of medicine, that even medical school did not cover, as he was able to experience for the first time what it was like to be on the other side—a patient. He wrote When Breath Becomes Air in the final months of his life to preserve his legacy and provide his baby daughter a way to connect to a father she would never remember otherwise.

Why You Should Read When Breath Becomes Air

I picked up this book after my brother recommended it to me. “You have to read it. You just have to,” he said. And I will spend many years echoing his statement. I have never before read a book that tackles death—a complex, mysterious, and often euphemized topic—in such a detailed and down-to-earth style. The ill-timing of planning years and years of education to finally work as a neurosurgeon alongside a loving wife only to be diagnosed with a terminal illness serves as a reminder that, at the end of the day, our health is what is most important. And even for those of us who seem healthy, we can never take our health for granted—Paul teaches us that anything can happen, and most often, we will not see it coming. Ultimately, When Breath Becomes Air is a memoir that highlights the tragic yet fruitful life of Paul Kalanithi and explores human nature when we are at our most vulnerable.

In a time when death and disease are more prominent in our young lives than ever with the coronavirus pandemic, Paul Kalanithi’s When Breath Becomes Air is an unforgettable book that tackles death from the dichotomous perspectives of both doctor and patient. I could not recommend this book more. Read it—for yourself, and for Paul.

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