whut up! it’s yo weekly blog


So everyone, I had the best week ever because so much has happened. To start with, I got my diploma marks which were terrible. I had a 62 in Biology. I was stumped. I always thought I was fairly smart and this crushed that entire ideal. The cringe worthy empathy and the “it’s okay” are the most annoying. I felt really ashamed as all my peers had much better marks than me. It took some time but eventually I got over them. You can be full of disbelief and hurt and disappointment or you can take it for what it is and move on. You have now seen the worst (bar failing) and now that fear of failing is no more.

These exams are not testing what your knowledge is; it’s more of how great your memory is. Once the collective cringe-worthy sympathy dries up, you realize that the people left love you for who you are and what you are: especially your parents. You end up realizing that in life the most important thing is how you make people feel as now all the chips are down and fate is not looking very kindly, the people still there are what really matter. To sum up, no matter what happens, your friends and family still love you and that there is nothing in the world that can change that.

As teenagers, we feel scared and embarrassed to confide in people but when you do you realize it can be an incredible, cathartic feeling.

Then I lost my Ipad .. oh good god could this week get any worse?? I don’t remember everything that happened but I think I was on the train and then went to the CPL (Calgary Public Library) and whabamm! 3 hours later, my Ipad is not in my possession any more.

At the end of the week you learn valuable lessons from everything that happens. Today my English professor said that “the ones who make the most mistakes have the best advice and that in the end they’ve seen everything life has to offer and that ensures that nothing phases them any more”. The point behind this blog post is that how ever bad your week/day is/seems, there is always a silver lining on your dark cloud. 

Ciao – see you all next week.