Which Video Game Is The Best?


Since the 1980s, video games have become an important part of the entertainment industry. They have drastically changed the way we spend our free time. Impacting us humans, in both negative and positive ways. An experiment conducted by the University of Glasgow states that video games can help improve communication and problem-solving skills. As well as, teamwork and creativity skills. Though, just like everything else, too much time playing video games can be harmful. Scientists have found that playing video games for long periods of time can change the functional and structural changes in the neural reward system. Many can spend hours playing these games, while others find them boring or a waste of time. Though, amongst theseĀ  “gamers,” there is a favourite game. “Minecraft,” Roblox,” and “Fortnite” are just some of the many popular games. Today, we will be seeing which video game is a favourite among many.

I conveyed a poll on my Instagram story asking people what their favourite video games are. The majority of them replied with Minecraft, Roblox, Animal Crossing and Sims 4. Few replied with other games like Apex Legends and PUBG. Minecraft is a game that has been around for more than a decade and still hasn’t lost its hype. I expected it to be on the list since so many people still play it today. Roblox has been around longer than Minecraft, a whopping 13 years, and has become increasingly popular recently. Animal crossing is the oldest game on this list, it has been released for 19 years. I don’t know much about this game as I’ve only heard about it recently, but it seems to be a very popular game. Lastly, Sims 4 has been released for almost 6 years! It does not feel that long at all…

I decided that if I wanted this to be a concrete experiment, I would have to convey a poll on more than one social platform. I took to Twitter, Snapchat and TikTok. The replies were almost identical. Though, I was able to narrow it down to 3. Roblox, Minecraft and Animal Crossing.

The people have decided that the most favoUrited video game is……

* drum roll*


Minecraft is an awesome game that has been around for a while, and never really lost its hype. I expected Minecraft to be the favourite.